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Confidence and Self-Esteem

Assurance et Estime de Soi

What does it mean to believe in oneself?
Constantly doubting, while knowing who you are and what you're worth.

King Yan Brandon

Do not give in to all your ambitions. 

Do not conquer the universe at all costs.

Strive to reign on yourself.

A so noble and difficult objective that

Men choose to conquer the world.

King Yan Brandon


The Man, is the choice!

The free and independent thinking. 

King Yan Brandon


Rather than exploring the highest altitudes

and the most remote places of this world,

Turn back and walk towards yourself.

You will then realize that the mountains  

And the highest places of this world,

are just little hills within You.

King Yan Brandon


At the end of his life,

The man does not regret his sufferings

nor his sorrows.

He only regrets the times

where he was not in harmony with himself.

But who can replay the movie

and give him a second breath?

King Yan Brandon


You are not who you think you are

Until you become it.

Do not just climb the mountain of your being.

Be on top!

King Yan Brandon


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Confidence and Self Esteem

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