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Looking for a reference when one can rely on oneself.
Relying only on oneself when one doesn't know everything.
Balance, Balance. Where are you?
King Yan Brandon

One day, a man asked the Author (King Yan Brandon),


- "What is Wisdom?

How do you acquire it and why?"


Drinking his tea, the Author turned back and smiled.


- "My dear, who says I know the answer?"


The man insisted. The Author appreciated his great enthusiasm and decided to answer.

- "Open your ears wide," said the Author.


"Wisdom is the Key that opens all the locks of this world...


TO BE - TO DO and TO KNOW are the Virtues that characterize it.


There is no need to burden yourself with knowledge. Just make sure to know what's essential.


In the matter of Wisdom, there are four types of men:


The first, those who are born with Knowledge and proper behavior. They are far superior.


The second, those who, burning to become the best version of themselves,

manage to benefit from the guidance of a Wise and enjoy life


The third, those who learn from their own experiences and therefore, waste a lot of time.


Lastly, those who don't learn from their experiences or, the lost years. "


The man asked. - "Master, what is the most important wisdom?"


The Master answered: "The Wisdom of the Heart. But not sure if it's correct to say that it can be acquired.

If it can be acquired, I'm far from having it."



A 95-year- old lady asks the Master.

-Master, what is Love?

The Master replies: War!

The lady: - War?

The Master: War against everything in us that would like the Other to conform to our wishes.


How many men and women really know Who They Are?

How many men and women are satisfied with the minimum just because they are unaware of their value?

How many know that Love, Happiness, Wealth and Joy should be the minimum?

Ignorance is the ultimate pain. A human comes on earth To Live the Experience. But while walking on the road, he slips.
Don't try to be someone else. Be You.


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Embrace Your Power



Nothing in this world is more important than Self-Esteem and Self-Knowledge.


If personal achievement is the foundation of self-confidence, why some people who have not achieved anything great are happier and more fulfilled than those who have great achievements behind them?


What determines your value?

It's what you have? What you do?

Or Who you are?


King Yan Brandon


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