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Power and Freedom

Extraordinary people don't live an ordinary life.

They couldn't, even if they wanted to.
King Yan Brandon

Achieve an ideal self which would be

impossible to achieve without the Knowledge.

King Yan Brandon

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The woman is a Warrior at heart.

But fighting with a sword wears her out.

She must resort to finer means.

King Yan Brandon

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The ocean doesn't know how big it is.

Until it sees a ship on its shores.

When a woman has reached the fullness of her being,

There are still unexplored potentials within her.

King Yan Brandon

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"The swallow that was free"

Leaving home, a bird catcher travels the world

in search of the most beautiful bird.

After 6 months of searching,

He sees a bright plumage near a high mountain.

He climbs up and gets closer to have a better view.

He takes out his net and prepares the trap.

But the bird is different from others.

With a graceful moment, the swallow flaps its wings twice

and finds itself in the skies. 

Indeed, this bird is not meant to be in a cage!

King Yan Brandon

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Power and Freedom

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